99 Park Ave, Suite 1100, New York, NY 10016

Bicycle Accident

Bicycle Accident Attorney in New York, Ny

Bicycle Accident

Bicycling is a healthy and pleasurable sport that allows cyclists to enjoy riding bikes in parks and other natural areas of beauty to connect with nature while getting needed exercise to promote good health. However, accidents involving a collision between a vehicle and a bicycle are all too common in New York and determining the fault of the accident may become a complicated endeavor at best. Cyclists are vulnerable to serious injuries when they are involved in a collision with a motor vehicle, and for that reason, it is important that both cyclists and drivers of vehicles obey all traffic laws applying to sharing the road. If you’ve sustained a serious injury in a bicycle accident, you need to speak with a lawyer who is an expert at deciphering the law related to people who have been involved in a bicycle accident.

The legal experts at the Law Offices of G. Oliver Koppell & Associates of New York are dedicated to helping you get the compensation you need and deserve after you have been involved in a serious bicycle accident injury.

When To Hire A New York Bicycle Accident Lawyer

What you do after a bicycle accident can play a huge role in determining the amount of compensation that you are able to win if you are hurt in this type of accident. It is crucial to report the accident to the police immediately and to get medical assistance. In that case, it is critical that you keep detailed records of all of the medical treatment you receive, your diagnoses, and if you’re able to get photos of the accident scene, using your phone at the time of the loss.

Exchange contact information with the driver of the vehicle and with any potential witnesses. Be aware of any local surveillance cameras that may be around in case there is footage of the accident as it has occurred. And as soon as you’re able to, contact a bicycle accident lawyer. Give the lawyer your insurance information and, aside from simply reporting the accident to your insurance company, let this lawyer do the talking to any other interested parties. This way, you are less likely to say anything that may jeopardize your case and prevent you from the recovery that you deserve after this type of loss.

Injuries and Compensation in Bicycle Accidents

Injuries that occur in bicycle accidents are often serious and may include brain and spinal cord injuries, fractured long bones, skin abrasions, or scarring, and disfigurement. It is important to state that all cyclists should be wearing a helmet whenever they are riding a bicycle outside. Types of compensation that can be won in a bicycle accident injury lawsuit may include:

  • Past and future medical bills
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages and earning capacity
  • Disability and disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering and loss of consortium (intimate relations with a spouse)

Bicycle accident injuries may also lead to the wrongful death of any of the parties involved in the accident. In that case, the personal representative of the deceased party may sue for compensation for final medical expenses, funeral and burial services, pain and suffering, and even sometimes punitive damages that were suffered as a result of this type of loss.

G. Oliver Koppell

Call to Schedule a Free Consultation with a Bicycle Accident Lawyer in New York Today

If you or a loved one have been injured in a bicycle accident, call to schedule a free consultation with a bicycle accident lawyer in New York today. The legal experts at the Law Offices of G. Oliver Koppell & Associates will use their extensive knowledge and experience to investigate and evaluate your case. We will work toward winning you the compensation that you need to recover from your injuries, which will allow you to move on with your life. We serve the cities of Yonkers, Nassau, Westchester, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and surrounding New York communities.

Call us at 800- 544-0484 and let us give you legal advice you can trust.

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