99 Park Ave, Suite 1100, New York, NY 10016

Employment Discrimination Lawyer in New York Ny

Passionately Fighting For Employees In Discrimination Claims In New York

Employment Discrimination Disputes

When an employer treats an employee worse than other employees due to race, national origin, gender, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation or other characteristics, it must be held accountable. Discrimination can involve many actions, including:

  • Firing or failing to hire someone
  • Demoting or failing to promote an employee
  • Creating a hostile or abusive working environment
  • Retaliating against an employee for complaining about discrimination

In these or other situations, it is critical to work with lawyers with the knowledge and experience to right these wrongs. At the Law Offices of G. Oliver Koppell & Associates, we are a powerful resource for employees across New York City and beyond.

Providing A Voice To The Voiceless

Acts of discrimination have profound financial and emotional costs. Having successfully represented clients in all types of employment discrimination claims, we understand exactly how much is at stake. Our law firm, led by former New York State Attorney General G. Oliver Koppell, takes on all types of discrimination cases, including:

As your advocate, our employment discrimination lawyers will give you a voice to fight against discrimination and achieve justice. We will work tirelessly to help you recover all available damages under the law. These damages could include front pay, back pay, damages for emotional distress and other potential losses. Depending on the severity of your employer’s conduct, you could be eligible to receive punitive damages as well.

View our results in employment discrimination cases to see how our firm has helped victims of illegal discrimination move forward with their lives.

Helping Our Clients Overcome Obstacles In Discrimination Claims

Workplace discrimination cases are rarely easy. There is almost never a “smoking gun.” Supervisors do not admit to being racist, sexist or homophobic, and they are good at coming up with plausible-sounding reasons for firing you. Further, the New York statute of limitations requires that most employment discrimination cases be filed in court within three years, or filed with the New York State Division of Human Rights within one year. Most federal employment discrimination claims must be filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) within 300 days.

Former New York State Attorney General G. Oliver Koppell has made fighting employment discrimination a focus of his long career. He has the experience, toughness, and legal sophistication to take on powerful corporations and win.

Set Up Your Free Initial Consultation Today

If you have been wrongfully terminated or have suffered some other form of job discrimination, we want to hear from you. Call 800-544-0484 or complete our online contact form to get started. Legal representation in NYC, SOHO, Midtown Manhattan, Lenox and surrounding New York City communities.

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