99 Park Ave, Suite 1100, New York, NY 10016

Brain Injury Attorney in New York, Ny

Why You Need A Brain Injury Lawyer In New York

Brain Injury

Injuries to the brain are among the most devastating injuries that can exist as the result of an accident. These types of injuries are a major source of disability, emotional and physical suffering, and are often likely to result in death of the victim of the loss. A brain injury can occur in a matter of seconds, but it can change the life of the victim and his or her family forever. When a brain injury is caused by the negligent behavior of another party, it makes sense to consult with an expert brain injury lawyer. The legal professionals at the Law Offices of G. Oliver Koppell & Associates of New York understand the lasting effects of brain injuries and are well-versed with the laws of negligence that surround these types of claims. We are dedicated to getting you the compensation for your brain injury that you need and deserve after this type of life-changing event.

Causes of Brain Injuries

The possible causes of brain injuries can vary according to the accident sustained, but the most common cause of a major brain injury is the result of an automobile accident. A whiplash injury or hitting the windshield may lead to a TBI or traumatic brain injury. Other causes include:

  • Falls – Slipping and falling on an icy surface may lead to a head injury in which the skull sustains a fracture, and the brain is involved.
  • Assault and battery – A mugging or assault of some kind may lead to a serious head injury where a person is pushed to the ground or hit with a blunt object sustaining a serious injury to the brain.
  • Bicycle and motorcycle accidents – Serious brain injuries may occur when those who ride bicycles or motorcycles do not wear a helmet and fall sustaining a brain injury.
  • Medical negligence – A patient in a hospital may sustain a serious brain injury from a fall while medicated in the hospital environment.

Regardless of the cause of a brain injury, if the negligence or carelessness of another was involved, a skilled brain injury lawyer can discover the sources of negligence that can win compensation in those cases.

Understanding Brain Injuries

Brain injuries present a host of complex legal problems because they are often difficult to recognize immediately. The extent of damage that is present in a brain injury may also not be apparent until a great deal of time has passed. After a blow to the brain, a victim may not have any symptoms at all and may appear to be just fine, but the same person may find changes to personality or develop a disability based on the injury at a later date. However, when the brain responds to the injury later by swelling or bleeding, there may be either a slow or rapid cascade of damage to brain cells, that can lead to debilitating symptoms or even coma and death. Each victim’s brain injury is unique, and it takes a skilled neurologist or emergency room physician to diagnose and treat such an injury. With any head injury, seeking medical help immediately is crucial, regardless of how minor the injury appears to be, and the records will be a critical part of recovery for the loss when proceeding to court on this issue.

Types of Compensation in Brain Injury Cases

Depending upon the severity of a brain injury and the amount of negligence that caused the accident that led to it, there are various types of compensation that are available. Some of these include:

  • Present and future medical expenses.
  • Rehabilitation and physical or occupational therapy services.
  • Lost wages and earning capacity.
  • Loss of consortium and companionship.
  • Pain and suffering.
  • Punitive damages.

Since brain injuries can be life-changing and can cause permanent disability, the compensation that can be won are often quite substantial, depending on the allocation of negligence in the case and finding of fault of the parties.

G. Oliver Koppell

Call to Schedule a Free Consultation with a Brain Injury Lawyer in New York Today

If you or a loved one have suffered a brain injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, call to schedule a free consultation with a brain injury lawyer in New York today. The legal professionals at the Law Offices of G. Oliver Koppell & Associates understand your challenges and will give you the help you need. We serve the cities of Yonkers, Nassau, Westchester, Manhattan, Brooklyn,
and surrounding New York communities.

Call us at 800- 544-0484 and let us be your legal advocates to help you win a successful conclusion to your loss.

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