99 Park Ave, Suite 1100, New York, NY 10016


Our office helps people who have been seriously injured in bus and train accidents who live, work or were injured in New York City, Yonkers, Nassau, and Westchester County.  We offer free consultations and to schedule an appointment call us at 800-544-0484.

When to Hire a Bus and Train Accident Lawyer

Unfortunately, buses and trains do get into accidents.  In bus and train accidents, there are often several parties that may be found negligent and may have contributed to causing the accident, so it is important to hire a bus and train accident lawyer to review your unique bus and train accident case.

Responsibility of Common Carriers

The operational laws that regulate buses and trains are generally those that apply to common carriers. A common carrier is a person or business that transports people for money, and this business can be either private or public. There are both state and federal common carrier laws, and all common carrier vehicles must abide by these laws whether they are traveling within one state or going from one state to another. Common carriers have a duty of care to their passengers that is higher than for other kinds of drivers because they are taking money to transport members of the public. If a common carrier breaches this duty of care, he can be found negligent.

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