99 Park Ave, Suite 1100, New York, NY 10016

Holding Companies Accountable with a Product Liability Attorney

Product liability is a legal concept that holds manufacturers and sellers responsible for producing and distributing products that are defective or dangerous. When a product causes harm to a person or property, the company can be held liable for damages.

Why Do Companies Need to be Held Accountable for Their Products?

Unfortunately, not all companies take product safety seriously, and some even cut corners to save costs. This puts consumers at risk, and it’s important to hold these companies accountable for their actions.

How Can a Product Liability Attorney Help?

That’s where a product liability attorney comes in. A product liability attorney focuses in helping individuals who have been harmed by defective or dangerous products. They can investigate the product, determine liability, and fight for compensation for the injured party.

The Law Offices of G. Oliver Koppell: Your Partner in Holding Companies Accountable

The Law Offices of G. Oliver Koppell is a leading product liability law firm helping clients for over 30 years. Their team of experienced attorneys is dedicated to holding companies accountable for their actions and fighting for the rights of their clients.

The firm has successfully represented clients in a variety of product liability cases, including defective medical devices, dangerous drugs, and faulty consumer products. They have the resources and knowledge necessary to take on large corporations and hold them accountable for their actions.

The Help You Need

The Law Offices of G. Oliver Koppell also understands the emotional and financial toll that a product liability case can take on a person and their family. That’s why they offer personalized attention and support to their clients throughout the entire legal process.

Product liability is a serious issue that affects millions of people each year. Companies must be held accountable for the safety of their products, and a product liability attorney can help make that happen. The Law Offices of G. Oliver Koppell is a trusted partner in holding companies accountable and fighting for the rights of injured individuals. If you or a loved one has been harmed by a defective or dangerous product, call the Law Offices of G. Oliver Koppell at (212) 867-3838 or use our online contact form to schedule a free consultation.

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