99 Park Ave, Suite 1100, New York, NY 10016

Personal Injury Case Results

Personal Injury Results


Result Of Alleged Malpractice

We recovered a substantial settlement for the family of a woman who died after suffering extreme pain and distress as a result of malpractice by a large voluntary hospital.

After substantial litigation, we recovered a large settlement for a woman who was rendered incapable of having additional children as a result of alleged malpractice by doctors in a large New York Hospital.

Defective Medical Device

We represented a woman who had undergone the implantation of a medical device that failed. As a result of the failure our client required extensive additional surgery and hospitalization. A substantial settlement was achieved after discovery and preliminary litigation.

Assault and Battery

We represented a man who was threatened and assaulted by a neighbor without justification. The assault, arising out of a dispute between neighbors, resulted in the arrest of the assaulting party. Our client was seriously injured. After substantial litigation, we were able to negotiate a satisfactory settlement.

We also represented a young woman who was seriously injured after an unprovoked attack by a stranger. She recovered a substantial settlement after litigation was commenced.

Dental Malpractice

We have represented a number of patients of dentists who have been victimized by improper treatment. Settlements have been reached in several cases and litigation is ongoing in others.

Defective Drugs

We have represented several plaintiffs who have been injured by defective implants and medications that caused them injury. Recoveries have been obtained from manufacturers in a number of cases.

Medical Malpractice Jury Verdict For Contraindicated Laser Eye Surgery

We represented a woman whose eyesight was seriously impaired as a result of contraindicated laser eye surgery. We were able to prove at trial that the surgery should never have been performed and obtained a large judgment for our client.

Medical Malpractice Failure to Diagnose Blocked Carotid Artery

We represented a man who suffered a severe stroke resulting in partial paralysis and impairment of both speech and physical capabilities. Our client had visited his internist physician and complained of temporary loss of vision after being in bright sunlight. Before seeing his internist he had consulted an ophthalmologist who did not find any permanent limitation of vision. However, she recommended that our client’s internist perform a series of tests to ascertain whether he had suffered a temporary ischemic attack. Notwithstanding the recommendations of the ophthalmologist, our client’s internist did not perform any of the recommended tests.

Shortly after being examined by his internist, our client suffered a massive stroke and it was subsequently determined that his carotid artery was almost entirely blocked. This blockage of the carotid artery would almost certainly have been discovered had the appropriate tests been performed. After extensive discovery, the case was settled before trial for a very substantial six figure amount.

Slip and Fall in Apartment

We represented a woman who suffered serious shoulder injury when she fell in her apartment due to the faulty installation of new flooring. After extensive discovery and depositions we were able to obtain a just settlement.

We have represented a number of women and men injured when they fell due to negligently maintained conditions, including falls in an apartment, falls on the sidewalk and falls in an elevator.

Slip and Fall in Elevator

We represented a woman who suffered long-lasting injury when she fell while riding in an elevator. We were able to obtain a substantial settlement.

Personal Injury Due to Negligently Performed Lasik Surgery

We have represented a number of individuals who suffered impairment of vision after undergoing a Lasik correction procedure. Lasik is a procedure which corrects and improves an individual’s vision with the use of a laser to alter the shape of a patient’s cornea. While most individuals are good candidates for Lasik, there are certain contraindications which, if ignored, can result in deteriorated vision and other complications. We have successfully represented a number of injured former Lasik patients and achieved a number of successful settlements, as well as a jury verdict in favor of one of our clients.

Automobile Accident

We represented an individual who was injured in an automobile collision in the Bronx. We were able to show that the accident had been caused by the other driver’s carelessness and settled the case for the limit of the insurance policy.

Personal Injury Sustained By Moped Rider Struck By Car

We represented a young man who sustained serious injury when he was struck by a car while riding a moped in Manhattan. We were able to show that the accident had been caused by the negligence of the defendant driver and obtained a very large settlement for our client. This recovery was important not only because our client obtained substantial six figure compensation for his injuries, but also because, as a moped rider, he was not eligible to recover No Fault benefits to pay for his considerable medical expenses.

Pedestrian Struck By Car

We represented an individual who suffered personal injury when he was struck by a motor vehicle while crossing the street. The case resulted in the recovery of substantial compensation for our client.

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