99 Park Ave, Suite 1100, New York, NY 10016

Slip And Fall Accident Attorneys in New York, Ny


Slip & Fall Accident

Personal injuries suffered in slip and fall accidents at home, on the street or at work can have serious, life-altering consequences. Even where your injuries are not permanent, you may incur medical bills, lose paychecks and suffer considerable pain and suffering.

Slip and fall cases in New York are not simple. The insurance company is a business and will attempt to minimize its losses by settling your case for a fraction of what it is worth. That is why you should contact a personal injury lawyer recognized for excellence throughout the state of New York.

G. Oliver Koppell is a former New York State Attorney General who has practiced law in New York for over 40 years. Oliver and his team of capable associate attorneys have a strong track record of achieving compensation for personal injury plaintiffs. We will fight for you every inch of the way-and the proof of our success is the high proportion of our cases that come from referrals made by satisfied clients. Legal representation in NYC, SOHO, Midtown Manhattan, Lenox and surrounding New York City communities.

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