99 Park Ave, Suite 1100, New York, NY 10016

Sexual Assault Victim Attorney in New York, Ny

Victims Of Sexual Assault Need A New York Sexual Assault Lawyer


It’s an unfortunate situation that is seldom discussed, but the crime of rape is perhaps one of the most under-reported violent crimes in the entire world, and also in the United States. The National Violence Against Women Survey of 2000 stated that only 19.1% of women who were rape victims after their 18th birthday actually reported the crime. How many people even realize that a rape victim can, in fact, file a lawsuit against her or his attacker? Many people may not be aware that they may have this chance at justice, but it is available to many sexual assault victims. In fact, a rape victim can file a lawsuit, and can also hire a lawyer to represent him or her (there are men who are also victims of sexual assault at any age). The compassionate legal experts at the Law Offices of G. Oliver Koppell & Associates of New York stand ready to assist rape victims during what may be the darkest time of their lives to find justice, peace of mind and to recover the compensation that they deserve after this type of personal loss.

How the Criminal Justice System Often Fails Victims

The way rape victims are treated by the criminal justice system in the U.S. is almost a sad cliché. Nearly anyone who watches television knows that when a rape victim makes the allegation of rape, she’ll be asked questions like, “Well, what were you wearing at the time? And, were you drinking alcoholic beverages?” Rape victims are often met with an attitude of skepticism, scorn, or, at best, reserved judgment when they encounter members of law enforcement or even medical personnel at the hospital.

Having already been traumatized in a horrible way, they must then face a hostile culture in which doubt is cast upon their every word and deed. Yet, it is a fact that, according to a report released by the Department of Justice regarding the Baltimore Police Department, between the years of 2010 and 2014, only fifteen percent of rape kits collected by the city were processed, and only seventeen percent of sexual assault reports ended in an arrest.

Common Locations for Sexual Assault

Unfortunately, there are many locations in which sexual assaults commonly occur. These include:

  • Nursing homes
  • Colleges and universities
  • Prisons
  • The Military
  • Cruise Ships
  • Psychiatric Hospitals
  • Massage Salons

And there are many others as well. A sexual assault can actually occur anywhere at all, and in 2012, as a result of U.S. Senate judiciary hearings, the FBI changed the definition of a sexual assault to include sodomy, oral copulation, and penetration with an object.

Filing a Civil Lawsuit

An experienced and dedicated sexual assault lawyer can be a light at the end of a dark tunnel for a victim ready to heal and move on with life after being the victim of a violent sexual assault. In a world that does not offer much advocacy for victims of sexual assault, this lawyer can be the one door that opens a path for the victim to find some form of justice and accountability for the crime that has been committed against her or him. Can a victim of sexual assault file a personal civil lawsuit against an attacker? The answer is a resounding, “Yes!” Filing a civil lawsuit in a case of sexual assault may well be the beginning of the healing process for the victim in a world that often offers little support for these types of losses of a physical and emotional nature.

G. Oliver Koppell

Call to Schedule a Free Consultation with a New York Sexual Assault Lawyer Today

If you are a victim of the crime of sexual assault, do not hide, and do not give up hope that your story will be heard in a court of law. Call to schedule a free consultation with a New York sexual assault lawyer today. The legal professionals at the Law Offices of G. Oliver Koppell & Associates are part of a dynamic new legal world in which sexual criminals are held accountable for what they do to victims, and the victims will have the last word. We serve the cities of Yonkers, Nassau, Westchester, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and surrounding New York communities. Call us at 800-544-0484 now. We are ready to listen to your case and help you manage a successful recovery to punish the wrongdoers with the result that they deserve.

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