99 Park Ave, Suite 1100, New York, NY 10016

Wrongful Death Lawyers: What They Do

Wrongful death lawyers have numerous responsibilities that help ease the mind of grieving loved ones. They will investigate what resulted in the family member’s death, estimate the liabilities, advise their client on the legal claims, and file a lawsuit on their behalf to seek compensation.

Reasons to Hire a Wrongful Death Lawyer

The field of law is very diverse: from murder, forgery, and real estate, all aspects of life are governed by law. Some lawyers have a solid foundation in nearly every aspect of legal topics. However, a lawyer specializing in wrongful death is essential to properly defend your case in a court of law. When it comes to human life, figuring out how much compensation is needed is challenging. Surviving family members in New York are entitled to:

·         Medical expenses related to the deceased person’s death

·         Funeral expenses

·         Pain and suffering due to loss of support, affection, and companionship

·         Inheritance loss

·         Lost income to the deceased

Punitive damages may also be awarded in cases in which gross negligence or criminal activity occurred that led to the deceased person’s death.

When you acquire a wrongful death lawyer, the whole process becomes manageable because of their expertise and solid foundation in understanding those delicate questions that will lead to obtaining justice. For instance, when a case has passed in a court of law, the insurance company will offer the family a settlement, but the compensation might be slightly lower since they work to protect their bottom line. The process of calculating a fair settlement for wrongful death claims is very complicated. Obtaining a wrongful death lawyer will guarantee fair compensation.

Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

To file a wrongful death lawsuit in New York, the person who files the suit must be the legal representative of the deceased. A wrongful death lawsuit must be filed within the statute of limitations, which is two years following the deceased person’s death.  

A wrongful death claim must have several elements to be successful. These include: 

·         Being able to prove the death was caused by the negligent or wrongful conduct

·         The survival of a person or persons has suffered loss because of the death

·         Circumstances that could have led to a personal injury lawsuit had the victim not died

·         Damages an estate may claim because of a wrongful death

The Compassionate Help You Need

Death is a part of life, but when a loved one wrongfully dies, you have legal recourse. If you have questions about whether or not you can file a wrongful death lawsuit, the legal experts at the Law Offices of G. Oliver Koppell & Associates have the answers. Our legal professionals will ask you questions related to your loved one’s death and will thoroughly evaluate your case for its merits. With more than 40 years of experience, we will use our expertise and compassion to work hard and get what is rightfully yours. Call us at (212) 867-3838 for a FREE consultation or use our online contact form. You can also visit our offices at 99 Park Ave, Suite 1100, New York, NY 10016.

Based in New York, we serve all of NYC, Yonkers, Nassau, Westchester, and the surrounding communities.

The Law Offices of G. Oliver Koppell & Associates—Experienced Legal Leadership

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